Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Continuous Monitoring: a Core Principle of a Robust Cybersecurity Program

As SMEs increase their reliance on interconnected cloud-based products like Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), they add new cybersecurity risks that can impact their bottom line. This is why continuous monitoring is a core principle of a robust cybersecurity compliance program.
Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) increasingly adopt new technologies to help streamline business operations and increase in revenue. As they increase their reliance on interconnected cloud-based products like Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), they add new cybersecurity risks that can impact their bottom line. While a strong cybersecurity compliance program begins with a risk analysis, it ends with continuous monitoring of the data ecosystem.
What does continuous monitoring mean?
Conceptually, continuous monitoring is simple. A company reviews its environment to ensure its controls remain effective. In reality, continuous monitoring places a burden on SMBs who find themselves struggling to find and retain security professionals.
Why does continuous monitoring matter?
Companies need to monitor their data environments continuously for two reasons: cybercriminals and compliance. Read more at cyber security monitoring services.

1 comment:

  1. Additional reporting by Matt D'Angelo. Some source interviews were conducted for a previous version of this article.
    A lifetime New Yorker, I am a veteran finance and business journalist that has contributed to several national media outlets including Forbes, Investopedia, and Bankrate.com.


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